Commentaries by Elena Ramirez
Resting in The Lord
Praying to Take the Right Path….
Taking a breath, as I write, I sense, the calling of God, to rest in him. Are you weary, and heavy laden, he says, come to me, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke, for it is easy. Matthew 11:28-30. My strength, is made perfect in your weakness. II Corinthians 12:9
I am doing that now, and with my mouth, and the words I write, I proclaim, that I am resting in God. I feel like I have to identify with him, in that way. For you see, I have been weary. Did you notice, I wrote that in the past tense? For it is true. I have been serving God, in my own little way, in my writing. But God is showing me something. I have been weary for a reason.
I just sense, I need to stop and take inventory, of what his word says. And, that I cannot sight see, any more. I need to walk totally in faith. II Corinthians 5:7 Whatever, has come my way, even as a distraction, in my being fulfilled, may be, because, of the paths I have taken. But I have stopped, right here, in my tracks. And even as I write, I say:
Lord, God, my father, who I adore, and give thanks to, with all praise and honor, show me where to go, what to do, soothe my restless spirit, as I rest in you.
There is a path of obedience and disobedience. Right before me, as I rest, and take notice. In faith, it seems very clear to me. Disobedience, to God in any form, hurts me. Yes, he may forgive me, but being disobedient to God, stops the plan of him, from being in motion. To fulfill my life, in being effective. I see how this affects me for the sake, of his Kingdom. And, in my own well-being.
Lord, forgive me, if I have not been obedient, to you and your word. My desire is to please you, in all things. Show me the error of my ways, so I can be fulfilled in your plan. Show me the path to take. Help me to see by faith, and not by sight.
My heart is steadfast, to bless and please our Lord, to try and walk in holiness, to seek him, to pray, to show compassion for others, to grow in the gifts and callings, God has placed in my life. But, sometimes, one can get weary. I have been weary.
I hear the Lord say, I will not forget your labor of love. I Thessalonians 1:3. And, all that you do in my name….and that what you do, in deed, do it unto me, and look to me, for your help, not to others. Colossians 3:23
Hmmm, I say. But I sense, the truth of it. And my heart is softened.
And then, I say, Father, faith without works is dead. James 2:17-18. And he repIies, that was not faith, just works. And I understand, because I know, I have tried to make this all happen for him, in my writing, but without his power being evident, in my faith.
So, I see, I need to build up my faith, by his word. There again, I see the two roads, ahead of me, of obedience, and disobedience. I am at a fork in the road, and before me, I have a choice. By faith, I can see the difference.
And I see, how the road of disobedience, at the left of me, is wide by those who walk in it. Many have walked down that road, because it seemed familiar. The signs along the way, show regret, despair, and a sense that one has missed, the exit, one should have taken. It is the beaten-down path. Boy, have I been beating myself up, as well! Along the way, there is debris, and remnants, of what could have been. There is guilt. The life that was there, is now dead. Trees are broken, and their limbs stripped of foliage, as if burned. There are no flowers, or fruit, just weeds. The road, is darkened, foggy, and there is no life on it, just clutter, and litter. That road leads me away from God.
Yikes…I don’t like that road, and I remember it. I don’t want to take that road, ever again. Thank you Lord, for getting me off of that path.
To the right of me, I see the path of obedience. The cross is at the entrance. And I know immediately, that this is the path of obedience, because Christ gave his life for mankind. He was obedient to God, as well. He is the way, the truth and the life, John 14:6. The path, is well-illuminated. The glory of God shines upon it. There the word of God, glows, like a neon sign, giving me direction. But the path is narrow, and straight. It does not seem like many have taken that path, but I know that path. I knew that path, when I received my Salvation. It is the path I need to take. There is beauty there, and peace. Joy in the holy spirit, and life abundantly. I hear, the music, that gives glory and praise to God. I know and recall, this path, I have taken it before. But, sometimes, you have to start all over again. This is one of those times.
And, even though, from where I am, I cannot see where it is going. I just know, though, that’s the right path. The first sign I see, and hear his voice to guide me, says; Trust in the Lord, with all your heart, and incline not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge him, and he will direct thy Paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.
Wow….Yes, I am resting in the Lord, but he has shown me, which path to take. When I start moving along, which is now, in faith, I know I will take this path of obedience. I see the error of my ways, and I see that I need to submit, to God. Not my will, but his will be done. Trusting God. To not try and make things happen, as I have, but to let go, and let God.
Well, it is well over due. And I thank God that he showed me this. Sometimes, we think, we are doing his will in something, and even in his name, but unless, that faith, shows his faithfulness, we labor in vain. I think of the scripture, unless the Lord build the house, we labor in vain. Psalm 127:1
That’s what I was doing…
No wonder, I was weary.
Faithful, is he that calleth you, who also will do it. I Thessalonians 5:24
Thank you Father, thank you very much. For showing me this, and perhaps others. And in your truth. I love you Father. Just My Thoughts…..
© September 23, 2009
by Elena Ramirez
A Prayer of Hope Ministries * Salvation Prayer
The Best of God * Where My Heart Longs to Be
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,
the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might,
the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
Isaiah 11:2
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