Commentaries by Elena Ramirez
A Vision Of Christ
Last night, I felt a prompting to turn on my computer. I had gotten an e-mail from CBN. (The 700 Club) They were broadcasting a televised, celebration of Rosh Hashanah. According to CBN: The name Rosh Hashanah means "beginning or head of the year." This celebration marks the beginning of the High Holy Days on the Jewish calendar. The Bible refers to Rosh Hashanah as the Feast of Trumpets, and it begins the Ten Days of Awe that conclude with Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement.
I watched it, and became a part of it, in its celebration. For it gave glory and honor to God. The music, was all to the glory of God. The dancers, danced unto the Lord. And I knew, it honored God. And it pleased him.
To God, be the glory. Sometimes, we need to see something like this, to remind us, of the holiness, power, and goodness, of God. His majesty. I wish, we lived in a world, where this was prominent. I know, when we are taken with Jesus, for his return, it will be like that. In heaven, we will hear the voices of angels, and the glory of the Lord, will shine on those, who have accepted Christ as their savior. The beauty of the Lord, will resonate. And we will see Christ, the true son, of God, in his glory as well, honoring, God.
To be a part of it, as I watched, and becoming aware of its meaning, I sensed, a new beginning for me. I felt a change a quickening, a new awakening, of who my Lord is. And I heard his voice, according to his word, in Psalms 68. He had in the past two days, spoken a word, that confirmed it, as I watched that celebration of Rosh Hashanah.
I had a vision. A very sweet vision. I could not see God, but I saw Christ his son. I saw Christ, giving glory to God. I could see Christ, extending his arms. Dancing before the Lord. In His beautiful clothing, Christ magnified God. His head was lifted up, to the throne of God. The glory of God, shined on his face. And humble, himself, he glorified God. He honored, his father, our Lord. I could see, his adoration, and love, on his face, for God the father. It was totally given, in all true expression of who he is. In, all his beauty and majesty, he was giving glory to God. It, so blessed me to see this. To, have this vision. To see our Lord, Jesus, the savior of mankind, worship, the Father. Wow. Now, no one has seen the father, and been able to speak of it. Moses, wanted to see him, but he was told, the glory was so strong. He could not see God, and live. God hid Moses, in a cleft of a rock, until, he passed in his glory.
So, I suppose as I write, I feel, God wants us to see him, as we look to Jesus. We know Jesus, we know he came to save the world, we know, that God so loved the world, that HE, God, gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes on him, would not cherish, but have everlasting life. Do You believe? Are you looking to Jesus? Then if you do, you can join, in with Jesus, and give glory to God. As you look to Christ, you can see with your spiritual eyes. You can see, the, glory of God, as you submit your heart to our Lord, Jesus.
We can see Christ, because he lives in our heart. So, we can see God, as well in our spirits, because we are as one with Christ, and through the Father, and in his holy spirit. In holiness.
And, how I long, in my heart, that his holiness would reign on this earth. And it makes me question, that which I see, and sense in this world, that does not know our Lord. I know, as I am growing older, I sense the lawlessness, of mankind. They do not take to heart the laws of our Lord. They do not consider his grace, and mercy. And live, as they choose.
I think, what bothers me, is that, society accepts this. In this world we live in. But is it acceptable to God? I don’t think so. I know, he wants us to get to a place of just looking to him. Being satisfied, with him, and just loving and resting on his power. Last night, I felt a new beginning for myself. I felt something change today even as I write. I think my faith, in my vision, of Christ, has become real to me now. Not for the future, not for later, but now. God is able, and I trust him, as I look to him NOW. It truly is a new beginning, a new year for me. I just sense it.
Oh and by the way, if you would like to see the celebration, here is the link from CBN.
Just copy and paste it to your browser, on your internet server.
God bless you.
Just my thoughts….
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