Commentaries by Elena Ramirez
In-Between a Rock and a Hard Place If You Have To Fight….
So many of my readers, and friends, confide in me, that they are in a battle. It could be with family, friends, co-workers, a boss, that’s unreasonable, an organization, a doctors report, anything. And these things can wear one down. They can get you to a place, where you would do something, that you would not normally do. Your in-between that rock and hard place.
There are times, in life, when you are in a battle. Up against that wall. And it could be for any reason, that you are in this situation. But, you feel you have to fight. There is anger, rising, there is a sense of just having to survive, and you feel like you have to fight. But you are also afraid. The thing about this, you have to put it in the right perspective. Don’t go flying off the handle, and doing yourself, more harm, or others, because you are in this mode of wanting to fight. Or to make a point. This is a time, and you have to know yourself. But this is a time, when you really have to take inventory of any situation, and see, and yes, I will add to this mix, pray to know, if it is something you should face, and fight or if you should walk away, and just let it go.
You see, we have an enemy, the devil. And he will use your moments of anger, and pain, fear, to get you to a place, where you step out of your faith, or just your comfort zone, and will try and make you fight. He wants you to fight. He wants you to get hurt, or to hurt someone. He wants to use your frustration, or angry, discomfort, to cause strife. You have to have a perspective, in these kind of situations. That is wisdom. You need to know,
When to walk away, and when to fight.
If you have to fight, Then fight the good fight of faith, for the battle is the Lords. This takes true courage. Remember Christ, and how he told us to turn the other cheek? He knew the reward was in being obedient to God. He knew, that the devil wanted him to fight. But then we, would not have gotten the victory, of his sacrifice, if he had fought. He fought the enemy a totally different way. And may I add to this, remember, to keep your peace, and to know truly vengeance is the Lords. Before you might consider, adding evil to evil.
There again, are many things we could be challenged with, and if you think about it. Daily living, can be a fight. If, you make it that. I want you to see, that whatever you are challenged with, no matter how big your adversary is, no matter how big the opposition is, you can have a victory.
The key is though, knowing who your enemy is, and knowing, who God is. You must not fear your enemy, you must fear God, in reverence to him, to do that which is right, in his sight.
All through my life, I have been in battles. And really, seriously, it has taken me most of my lifetime, to understand, I am a warrior. A fighter. I don't like that title. I don't like that description. Basically, it comes with a negative, connotation. Emphasizing on the negative, it bothers me. Yet, it is who I am. Because of my up-bringing, my experiences, and because of my spirit. That God has placed within me. I have learned, that the many things we go through, causes us to be the person we are. So, because, being most of my lifetime, I have been in battles. I long to be lady like, gentle, compassionate, and able to turn from strife. And only because Christ, is my Lord, and savior, I am able to adhere to that for the most part. But when I was young, I was forced to get into physical fights. I remember the first fight I had ever got into, a physical fight. I was, maybe, seven years old. And I remember, a girl my age provoking me. I did not want to fight. I was fearful. I wanted to be left alone. But, I remember, my mother telling me, if you do not face this person, and let her have it back, you will always, be ashamed, and you will always, be at her beck and call. There will be no release, because she will know, she was victorious over you. So, I remember, her provoking me, and I let her have it right back. After that, I earned her respect, and that of other kids. Unless, one felt they needed to challenge me. Now let me emphasize this, but at first, I never started a fight. But I need to be honest. For as I got older, I found myself starting fights. If someone hurt me, or if I was protecting someone, or of if I felt, like I needed to show you could not beat me. It was on going. And in all that, growing up, I had my nose busted, and countless, other mishaps.
Once I was jumped, as a young teenager. By about 5 girls. They tore my clothes, bloodied me, and stole my transistor radio. (remember those antiquated sound systems?)
And then they bragged about it. Here I was again, and this time, I remember praying to God. I wanted to hide. I wanted to get out of the environment I was in. I wished my mother was rich. To get me out of there. Or I had someone to help me fight. Like brothers and sisters. But she was not rich. And there were no other family members. That I could count on.
And then they bragged about it. Here I was again, and this time, I remember praying to God. I wanted to hide. I wanted to get out of the environment I was in. I wished my mother was rich. To get me out of there. Or I had someone to help me fight. Like brothers and sisters. But she was not rich. And there were no other family members. That I could count on.
But I remember that prayer, and I remember, I got strength. I had to face my attackers. I had to gain back some dignity. If not to prove it to anyone else, but to myself.
Now, I do not advocate physical fighting in anyway. I think now, when I am even somewhat provoked, or misunderstood, challenged, and I do not fight. I say well whatever, and walk away. But, there are times, when you do feel like you are in a fight. Whether you want to be or not and you know, that you know you have to fight.
And, there are spiritual fights. You can even be your own worst enemy, and the battle can be in the mind. You could feel like you have to face your accusers or those who aggressively challenge you, and you have to stand up for what is right. Sometimes, it could just be your circumstance. And you have to fight to survive.
Dear ones, if you have to fight, then fight the good fight of faith. If all you can do is, just stand, then stand. But do it kneeling. And that is not a contradiction, but in order to truly stand, one must learn to kneel. Before God, humble. The word of God, tells us, that the Battle is the Lords. There are times, when we cannot fight a physical fight anymore. Or we cannot use our energy to stand up to a fight. It could even be a bad report, from a doctor.
In those times, we need to stand on the word of God. Kneeling. DO NOT LET FEAR OVERWHELM YOU, KNOW WHAT GODS WORD SAYS. HE CASTS OUT FEAR, FOR HIS LOVE IS PERFECT.
Oh how important it is to seek God in his word. To know, what the word of God says. I think of David. David, was blessed and favored by God. Yet, there were many who hated him, and challenged him. In Psalms, we see his cry to God, we see his fear. We also see, in this process, God changing his heart, comforting him, and showing him, who HE is. We see, David, coming to a point, where he realizes his own sins, and asks God for a clean heart.
I have seen that in my own life. When younger, and challenged,
with my sins, and with fights, the struggles to stay alive,
I have seen my weaknesses, and come to God. Asking God
to renew my spirit, and cleansing me of my sins. Trying in His way, to make it right.
Folks, whatever it takes, we need to come to that place, of seeking God. God will use our fights, our struggles, and our situations, to cause us to seek him. He does not want us to struggle, or to fight. Again remember the battle is and can be in the mind. But if you know God, and you know his word. You can defeat the enemy, who is trying to make you stumble, or trying to make you feel defeated. By the word of God.
We must submit to God. Being in peace, in love, and in
true humbleness, turning from that pride, that so
many of us claim, we must seek the true living God,
the Holy one, who is the same, yesterday, and tomorrow.
Life is not easy. And there may always be challenges,
and struggles, but give them to God. He can and will make a way.
If we are obedient, to him, and seek him truly with repentant
hearts, his promises do come forth. I know, I have seen
them over, and over again. I myself, have battled, things.
but I just sense him working something in me. I don't
think I am there yet, in fact I know I am not. But even
as I write this, I have enough victories, enough, understanding and thankfulness, to know God is able in all things. For I am seeking, the one, who has told me, the battle is his. And in his love,
because He is love, I receive that, and it comforts me,
and gives me peace. He has a plan, and I will see it.
With a banner, over me, to get the victory,
in love, I will see it. I hope you can get to that
place, and find him, for your banner of love,
as well, to show you have won the fight, with
his help. You are victorious. Let us, get a new energy,
a new hope, a new strength, a new love in him to even love our enemies. I recall the change, even like I did when I was younger,
to go on…..let us all continue to seek God, and he will get you through these battles. Let him restore your name, or your dignity. Or your health. Spiritual physical, mental, or attitude. Let him, give you honor.
If you are doing what you should be doing. In Christ, Staying away from sin. being obedient to him, loving others instead of fighting, he will deliver you even from the fight of a temptation. He will make a way. He is after all, God, and all things are possible with him.
So if you have to fight, fight the good fight of faith...After all the battle is really His. And if you release this, and let him fight.
Theres no doubt, you will win.
God is blessing you….I hope you see this in the midst of your battle.
I Samuel 17:47 And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord, and he will give you into our hands.
I Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
I Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
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