Monday, January 4, 2010


Happy New Year....

As I write, and already see the hand of God, for a new beginning of the New Year, I need to immediately say, by the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  The great "I Am" is returning soon.  Twice, in the early morning, by just a day or two, I have heard, the Holy Spirit, speak, to me, to "tell
them, I AM is returning soon." Who is the "I AM"?  Well, if you recall in the book of Exodus, when Moses, met the Lord, on Mount Sinai,
in the burning bush, God identified himself, as "I AM."  And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.  Exodus 3:14.  That name, or identification, of God, always somewhat perplexed me.  It seemed, so conclusive.  For truly it is.  God knows who he is.  He does not have to argue about it.  And neither do we if we know who he is,.  He knows, that he is the creator, of heaven and earth.  He knows, he is love.  He knows, that he sent his only son, for our sins.  That he became man, for a sacrifice, only he could carry, to defeat the enemy.  He knows the plan, and has given it to us, by his word.  So the enemy is defeated.  He knows that, and wants us to know that.  He is everything....All one has to do, is look outside, and see Gods handy work.   If you have been healed, and restored, that has come from God.  He is the great healer.  So truly, God is the great "I AM."  He knows who He is.  The thing, is do we know, truly who we are?  In him?  The world in its perception, has misplaced God, in their thinking.  A device or a tool the enemy has used, to deceive us.  Even some Christians, have by their own abilities, begun to think that any blessing or gift they have gotten, was gained by their own ability, or work.  And they get so caught up in their gift, even the gift of prophecy, that they begun, to think they know this or that.  But do they?  Is God really speaking to them?  Is their voice, truly the voice of God.  Well, lets look at that?  Is it based on the word of God?
Who gives you life?  God does.  Who gives you breath?  God does.  Health?  God does.  Who has the ability, to send you to heaven or hell?  Wow.......God does.  He is the mastermind, the creator, of our lives.  He deserves the glory, and the honor, and the praise, to relate to who he is, for in this love, this great, great  love he has in who he is, we can also be love.  We can also be, able to do far and above, what we ever thought to do, because he has given us his holy spirit.  To think, to know.  To understand.
But we have to understand, his ways, are not our ways.  When we claim his word,
we can get that perception.  But, don't let the devil deceive you.  Just because you may have
a perception of God, and his word.  Remember, this, in the fear of him.  He is sovereign.
And so, there are things, we may not understand.  Yes, he reveals the mystery of who he is.
In many ways.  But that does not always mean we will know, Gods will.  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  Isaiah 55:8.  But, we must strive, to please him.  To seek him, to obey him, to trust him, with all our hearts, soul and mind.  To have faith...And more then anything to love him, and others, for he is love.  So, when we drift away from who he is we become lost, and misled.  Our thinking, when not based on God, who has given us his word,
to understand who he is, is not observed, meditated on, STUDIED.   We then position ourselves, to believe as the world does.  Look at the world, look at how Hollywood, and non-believers carry themselves.  Look at how their lives are so caught up in their own thinking, that they totally miss, the blessings of God.  We can all be like that.  I suppose, I know, because I for a time, as a young adult, walked away from God, and tried to do things my way.  Like the song....I did it my way.  I hate that song now.  Because when I did things my way....I got caught up in the worst of situations, and made many mistakes.  It is a New Year....and I see Gods hand, already on my life.  Stop and look at your life.  Have you been obedient to God?  Is there something he may have prompted you to do, or given you instruction to do, and you are not following it?  You will not progress, until you do obey, until you observe what his word says.  That just the truth of it.  Think and recall of the the people Moses led, they were by their grumbling and complaining, for forty years, they missed the promise of going to the promise land, because of their complaining.  Because of their disobedience.
Because they built an idol, out of gold, and called it God.  I don't want to miss the blessings of God.
I don't want to be disobedient, or put something before God, that would be construed as an idol.
I don't dont want to be disobedient, any more, and obedient, I will be here, even to tell God instructed me, and to tell you...The great I Am is returning soon.  Are you ready?  Have you given him a place in your heart?  Are you obedient?  Time for us all to get to the word, and see...the plan of God revealed in our lives.  I don't know, if he is returning in a week, a month, a year, ten years, fifty whatever....and I would not even dare to think that I know his plans in this, as much
as I know his word.  For no one knows that date and time.  For again, he is sovereign, and his ways are not our ways.....No matter how much we get to know him, he created us in his image to have a plan....
but he is God!  To him, in his return, it may be soon.  To us, it may be just enough time to get our houses, our temples where he lives, ready, for his return.  To pray, to seek him....To love.  For truly he is love....For our faith, cannot work without love.  Are we forgiving?
But in that time, whatever he gives me, I want to be obedient.   To what he told me to tell you.....
So I tell you, again, and may continue to tell you....
The great I AM, is coming soon.  Please share this with others.  The great I AM is telling me, to tell others.  And by doing so, I know he is telling you.....So you can also be obedient.
And you can also warn someone.... for whatever reason, God is telling us.  Let us be prepared.

Happy New Year....And May God bless you, in your obedience to him.

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