Monday, November 2, 2009


Just My Thoughts
Commentaries by Elena Ramirez

A Prophetic Word Put Away the Darkness....

Gods prophetic word. Given to me, for the church body, and at church, November 1, 2009

I am the Light of the world.  Put aside the deeds of darkness and put the armor of light on. For God has said let light shine out of darkness.  And has made his light shine on our hearts. Seek my Kingdom, and my righteousness, and all things will be added unto you.  I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.  Put away the deeds of darkness. Again I say, put away the deeds of darkness.  

Romans 13:12
The Night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.  

I know who I am in Christ, and I say, also, to you, know who are in Christ!!

I know this was a prophetic word, God gave to me, and to give to others.  And so I share it here with you as well.  In my column "Just My Thoughts."

So boldly, and loudly, I spoke that.  At church.  And, As I write Just My Thoughts....I feel many thoughts and many emotions.  But I am focused to write, and share with you that which is on my heart, but also the heart of God.  Boldly and loudly.  I write.  But, humble.  And this is not a contradiction.  Because I know who I am in Christ, but I know who he is, and I am in reverence of my Lord.  For I am, his servant, and I want to be used by God.  My goal is to be Obedient, and with the mind of Christ, to give you a good word.  To bless and guide the reader, reading this.  So, I do not take this lightly and so I want to be balanced, and understanding of Gods will, according to his word.  

I know, I am on the threshold, of new beginnings.  I just feel it.
And I know it is planned.  As I look to the future.   As I look to
my God, my source, of everything.  For he gives life, and life,  abundantly.  I claim that. 

But I also sense and feel the enemy, wants to cause confusion.  God is not a god of confusion.  And so, as I listen for spiritual guidance, and I listen to the voices around me, and that minister to me, and where ever God leads me, I know his voice.  And who ever he may use to minister to me, I recognize, his voice.  The voice of my Lord, my God, the great I AM.  And to a voice that is not his, I turn from.  A voice, that has evidence, of disobedience to God.  I discern it.  And it makes me sad, to see anyone, or the world, walking in darkness.  

And I suppose, I am writing this, because recently, Halloween just passed.  And as I look at the world, and the many people, who I discern are lost in so many ways, I see, that they embrace this Holiday.  Now it is over, and thank God.  But I look at the fruit of what has been left from it.  There are still a lot of creepy, and scary movies.  That are still playing and going strong.  And I know how the enemy wants to plant seeds in hearts, by what we see.  So I want to be careful.  And even as I look out my office window, my neighbors, Halloween ghosts, and witches, are still evident on their front lawn.  And it just reminds me, that the enemies, goal, is to keep on, shedding darkness, in any heart, or soul he can.  I know, from my own walk with God, that it is so important to be obedient to God.  To, seek him.  Because, he is not a god of confusion, but God, almighty, who gives us a way through Christ.  I can have the mind of Christ.  Because, I am, in covenant with God.  And, I am created in his image.  I see that, in anything, I want or hope for from God.  So, I want to be careful not to get involved, in things, that are of darkness.  I guess you could even call it maturity in Christ.  Being seasoned, I don't know.  But, I so want to please God.  

I want the mind of Christ, and I know, when I am not focused, or when I am not hearing his voice.  I have to make the effort, to get close to God.  It may mean repenting, for not even knowing I may be or am sinning, but careful, to not offend God.  To not give place to the enemy in anything, but to submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee.  I do that in prayer, and I do it in Praising God.  By reading his word, putting it in my heart, where no one can steal it.  And where I can boldly shine for him.  For, I am not ashamed of the gospel, and I am not ashamed to praise God.

When I go to church, I don't care who sees me, or what anyone thinks.  But I am there to offer praise, and draw close to God, so he will draw close to me.  I can do it anywhere, and I do, but I am so blessed when I go to church with other believers.  And we get into the spirit of worship.  I will stand up, kneel at the altar, or just be quiet.  But, it just does something for me, and to me, something so wonderful to praise God.  Loudly, and boldly.  How can I not praise and worship him, when he is so good to me?  I have to shout it out.  God is Always giving me reminders of his love.  I am so thankful to God, and let me reiterate, I am so thankful.  I have to be, expressive in this, it releases me.

So, making the effort to please God, being obedient, being in his light, shedding the darkness, and seeking his Kingdom, does remind me that he does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power love and a sound mind. I can go about my life, my day, and my business, with such a hope, and trust in him that gives me peace. And my thoughts are not distorted, or fearful, because he is God, and he is able to do all things, and through Christ I am able to do all things because he strengthens me.    My goal more then ever, is to be right with him.  Oh to be in fellowship with him!!  To live, this life, Holy before him.  To not, be tossed to and fro, but, to be steadfast in him.  Whatever he has for my life, I want it to reflect,
I am a light for him.  

Just my thoughts this morning....what are yours?   

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