Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Can you imagine, Christ in those clouds, coming back for his people on Halloween night?  Hey it could happen.  What would you say, what would you do?  What you be doing?   So...I want to talk to you, about Halloween. And I want to talk about it from a position of trying to please someone you love. Someone who has done so much for you, and loved you so much, He sent his only begotten son. To, give you eternal life. That, if you believe, in Jesus Christ, and confess, your sins, you can have a place in His Kingdom. There is no one, who could love you more! He is the King, and there is none like him. In all his power and might. That is God, your Holy father. And, if you think about it, he does love you. Look at your blessings around and about you. So, I think most Christians know, this holiday, is very offensive to God.   But to those, who are reading this, who are Christian, and non-Christian, and those who participate in this Holiday, alike, I want to address this thought. So, you can see the consequences it brings, when you participate in it. Many, people, think it is just a time to get dressed up, and that’s not what is offensive. But to understand Halloween one must understand it is a pagan holiday. A pagan, is someone, who does not adhere to the world religion, which is prominently Christianity. It is the opposite of Christianity, and so if it is opposite, of Christianity, it is very obvious, that it stems from evil. Which comes from the devil. I am not going to get into all the details of it, the history, because I just don't want to give place to the devil, to even address why it exists etc. But, it is used to darken the hearts, and souls of people, to turn them from light, to darkness. It is something, in the sight of God, that the devil uses, to try and lift himself up. This is not rocket science, folks, its not difficult to understand the root of something that is good and evil. And please excuse my bluntness, concerning, this, but this is something that is on my heart, that I so believe God wants me to express. In fact, I believe that if every Christian took this to heart, we could truly make an impact for the Kingdom of God, and many could know truth, to set them free. So I am very passionate to make this a point. That will make you think and perhaps, change your mind, to do that which is right.  I truly believe, because the world has embraced this holiday so much, that they are missing out in knowing truth, and giving place to the devil. The Bible tells us, to give no place to the devil. Ephesians 4:27. We as children, adults too, are to be followers of God. Ephesians 5:1. We are to walk in light, not the darkness. Ephesians 5:7 and Ephesians 5:8 Be not ye partakers with them. for you were sometimes darkness, now are you light in the Lord; walk as children of light. Ephesians 5:11 And have not fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. So that is what I am trying to do here, for the Kingdom of God, is to reprove this, to bring light, a sense of understanding, that this offends God. It leads to one thing after another. Have you noticed, how prominent, books about witches, and vampires, etc. are available? Children, get these books, and ideas, and it turns their little hearts to evil. Parents, we should not be making these things accessible to our children. We should be in fear of God, to depart from these things, and to teach our children about love, the love that comes from Jesus Christ. The Son of God, came for this very reason, to destroy the devils works. I John 3:8.  Dear ones, we as Christians need to know, what pleases God. We must always be students of the word. We must depart from evil, and submit to God. We sometimes wonder, why our prayers are not answered, or why we have some of the problems we do. But, I truly believe, if we would just try and understand, to please God, and to not participate in something like this, we can begin to walk the straight and narrow way. To be in right standing with God. We would see the difference, because we would be in a position, to be obedient to God.  

I truly believe, that churches should not participate in it as well. Some churches believe that if they open their doors, children can have a place to go. Yet, the parents dress them as vampires, witches, etc. And it almost seems like churches miss the point as well. So, that is controversial. I can't tell anyone what to do, etc. But I can tell you what the word of God says. The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom. And to depart from evil is understanding. Job 28:28.   I would rather fear God, understanding the consequences of sin, and not give place to the enemy in this. For God, is the only one who has the keys to heaven and hell. He is the one, we will all have to stand before. And to confess, Jesus as my Lord, now, and being obedient, then to face the consequences, of offending God.  And I can say, within my heart, I know that I know, this is offensive to God. And I love my Lord, so much, I just don't want to offend him, by participating in this Holiday, of evil.  And as I close, consider this, out of all those spirits, that are represented, from Halloween, do you really want any of those to reside in your spirit, in your thinking or in your soul?  Or do you want the mind of Christ, who teaches you love.  Something to think about.......

Just my thoughts....What are yours? May God bless you and in his love,
Elena Ramirez October 2009
All Copy Rights Reserved


1 comment:

  1. Posting for Ruth via Elenas e-mail.

    Hi Elena, Me again. I was able to get onto your blog through this e-mail. I read your thoughts on Halloween. That's how we were always taught too, that's why I seemed somewhat confused. You spoke about churches allowing the kids in. My Pastor talked about this too. She said to place a piece of paper in the candy bags with the address of our church. Different things like that. It is witnessing somehow. I don't know. Another church I know of is actually having a Hallelujah night on Halloween night. He's allowing kids to dress up. No witches or vampires or nothing gory. They are having a Bible story night. All I know is we didn't have this kind of thing when we were kids. Ok, thanks Elena.


